Voltorb Flip Solver
First, ensure your DS clock is within about a minute of the current time. Start a game of Voltorb Flip and quit without flipping a single tile.
Fill in the losing board (treating Voltorbs as 0), then click the "Run" button. When you finish a game, click the "Run" button again to get the next board.
When solving, the tiles marked red should be flipped to solve. Make sure to flip any 1 tiles before all the multipliers are flipped.
The 1 tiles need to be flipped first for a couple of reasons. If you are not yet on level 8, at least 8 tiles need to be flipped on each round to eventually cause advancement to this level. Once all multipliers have been flipped, this ends the round, so if you haven't flipped all the 1 tiles by this point, you will no longer be able to. In addition, each flip in a "risky" (non-zero voltorb count) row or column causes an RNG advancement. If you don't match what the tool is doing, you will go out of sync.
Level: 0